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IT organizations that have made it through the pandemic and other recent turmoil will be able to leverage their newfound resilience as a springboard to growth in the coming 2-3 years.

So, what are some of the keys to unlocking that growth and potential?  Respondents to surveys by PwC, Deloitte and CompTIA all cite multiple factors helping to lead to an optimistic performance in 2023.  Leading that list is the ability to drum up business from new customers.  More than 40% of respondents said this will be critical to solid performance in the years ahead. This signals a change in emphasis from the early pandemic years when companies were focused on retaining and expanding business from existing customers.  That pursuit is still a prominent aim (nearly 30% cited it), but more attention is being placed on building and converting pipeline this year.  Along those lines, the third activity respondents identified as helping to drive positive results next year is tied to making improvements to and investing in both their sales and marketing functions.

This is what Telemetry was built to do.

IT customers are evolving - fast.  While they are as enthusiastic as ever about the role technology plays in their success, they are also far more informed and demanding in their tech journeys.  With many of their own businesses in flux, customers are taking a hard look at ROI on every potential tech purchase.  Which means, if you sell technology, the ability to convincingly make a specific business case for every product or service is not just a nice sales differentiator anymore, it’s essential.  Customers are also more tech-savvy, so the bar is higher for what they expect from providers.  

The same goes for improving other tech - in particular sales and marketing skills and systems, and moving towards business models that are better aligned with how today’s customers prefer to engage in the digital world. So, if this means blowing up that finely optimised managed services stack you’ve been working on since 2018, so be it. Just as customers in 2023 will be scrutinising operations, purchasing and people, so too should their tech providers.  Business as usual - is done.

Digital is now the journey.  And data is the GPS.

Uncover opportunities for marginal improvements.  Drive disproportionate revenue and value.

IT companies operate in a bewilderingly complex ecosystem of vendors, technologies, partners, products, services and business models.  Marketing and selling in this world has been described as a Gordian Knot.  More than ever, business units across the enterprise need specialised, real-time information and insight to analyse marketing and sales effectiveness and productivity and to enable optimum tactical intervention to maximise sales and margins.

Telemetry RT3's world-leading suite of extraction, search, analysis and collaboration features are available in the one platform. Telemetry unifies the entire end-to-end pipeline, providing unprecedented visibility, predictive and prescriptive analytical insights.

Simplify the insanely complex.

When your pipelines span the globe, feature hundreds or even thousands of products, services, rep's and produce massive amounts of customer, sales and market data every day, it's easy to be overwhelmed by the insane level of complexity. Telemetry provides the world’s best data lineage, impact analysis and causal diagnostics at scale. 

It was designed specifically for CRM's, Marketing Automation and other pipeline-relevant systems and platforms. Granular traversal enables tracing data points back to their pipeline source, highlighting dependencies and enabling decisions informed by insight into consequences. Some of the largest global communications companies have used Telemetry to deliver unprecedented insights into the people, processes and systems responsible for delivering their sales outcomes.

Collaborate around pipeline.  Sustainably drive sales and value.

Telemetry enables users with revenue responsibility to access and understand what is really going on inside their pipelines.  Configurable roles align with responsibilities and automated workflows facilitate collaboration by standardising and tracking processes across the sales ecosystem.

The platform brings information and insight to the people that need it, anywhere and anytime, enabling them to collaborate on and track pipeline activity in real time. Powerful exploration, analytics, impact and lineage analysis maximise pipeline data value across the business.

Mitigate pipeline and forecast risks.

Telemetry provides insights into assurance and risk around forecasts via reporting and analytics, including performance and risk dashboards and forecast probability metrics. The system gathers continuous performance data across a range of core pipeline, people and pricing metrics across products, services, business units, territories, teams and individuals. 

Performance measurements and risk assessments are standardised and can be automated through event triggers based on tolerance thresholds for different metrics.  Notifications and subscriptions alert management when the systems detects thresholds have been or are in danger of being breached.

See what leaders in the Information Technology industry think about RevenueTEK and Telemetry RT3.

RevenueTEK has again been shortlisted as one of the world's leading sales analytics companies by CIO Applications.

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Let us show you how Telemetry RT3 can meet and exceed your specific needs.

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